YOGA THERAPY& iRest Yoga Nidra

 Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and wellbeing through the teachings and practices of Yoga.

Balance & Restore


Enhance your emotional wellbeing


increase your sense of presence



After working many years in the Community Services sector as well as the NDIS I had grown increasingly passionate to help others develop a sense of grounded wellbeing and health.

As a Yoga therapist through the Yoga Therapy Insititute Australia I adopt a biopsychosocial-spiritual approach.  After a comprehensive assessment I create an individual program that suits your needs. I love empowering my students to regain agency over their life and restore their wellbeing and general health.

I have had my own mental health challenges and I have been managing my own chronic pain condition. Clients have found the combination working towards an individualised program in combination with my own lived experiences very beneficial.

I have a small Yoga Studio available in Nerang for individual sessions and home visits visits may be available.

NDIS participants welcome.

” I genuinely enjoy the sessions with Chiara as I am moving with the sound of music. I have been able to add breathing techniques in the mornings which increases my energy levels “



Chiara Yoga Pose

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is an empowering, holistic process which improves your overall health. Yoga Therapy is a complementary and multidimensional model as it addresses your physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing and therefore creates balance and harmony to all aspects of your life. Yoga Therapy offers adaptations of Yoga practices and tools and is particularly beneficial for individuals with health challenges. 

See more information and definitions on:

Contemporary Definitions of Yoga Therapy – International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).

Gentle Yoga

Practicing Yoga enhances your ability to live a balanced life through the combination of gentle postures, breathing techniques as well as guided relaxation . Path to Joy offers simple, restorative and energising Yoga sessions tailored to your needs. 

Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TSY)

Trauma sensitive Yoga classes are based on elements of traditional Yoga but are modified to enhance the experience of empowerment and cultivate a positive relationship with one’s body and mind. All sessions offer a safe and predictable environment and encourage the participants to explore a variety of movements, breathing exercises as well as relaxation techniques that work for them. TSY classes do not use physical, hands-on adjustments but invite the participants to make their own choices about what and how they practice.

Trauma sensitive Yoga is inspired by the latest research of Bessel van der Kolk (Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga – TCTSY), David Emerson (TCTSY), Judith Herman (Trauma and Recovery), Richard Miller (iRest® Yoga Nidra) and Steven Porges (Polyvagal theory).

“Chiara helped me so much with rehabilitation after a time of serious illness.I highly recommend her approach to healing and wellness”




(Teachings of the iRest® Institute (IRI)).

iRest® is a meditation practice based on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra and adapted to suit the conditions of modern life. When practiced regularly – a little and often – iRest® enables you to meet each moment of your life with grounded peace and wellbeing, no matter how challenging or difficult your situation.
iRest® Yoga Nidra was developed by Dr. Richard Miller, a spiritual teacher, author, yogic scholar, researcher and clinical psychologist, who combined traditional yogic practice with western psychology and neuroscience. It is practiced and taught by thousands of people worldwide in a wide range of settings, including health centres, schools, community centres, yoga studios, correctional facilities and military hospitals.

 iRest® has been shown to be effective in scientific trials for conditions including chronic pain, sleep problems, depression and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

iRest® is simple to learn and easy to practice. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of physical ability or experience with meditation. Once learned, iRest® becomes a set of tools for life.

For more information on iRest® please visit

“I have learned to deeply relax and inquire into area I am working with. Yoga and iRest have been beneficial for my entire sense of wellbeing”




Mental Health Support Work & Mindfulness

If you’re not into formal yoga or meditation practices Path to Joy can support you to increase your sense of Being and Presence in your daily life.



Individuals with psychosocial and developmental disabilities face many barriers accessing community Yoga and Meditation classes. 

Yoga Therapy helps others to increase their awareness of body and mind and fosters greater self-kindness while at the same time regaining strenght, flexibility and balance.



Call or email Chiara:

Phone: 0412 415 790


Nerang, Queensland